Friday, October 8, 2010

7th & 8th Grade On-Line Quiz

Hello 7th & 8th Graders,

Welcome to my blog! Please choose from the links to the right to take your grade's quiz. When you've completed the quiz, you will be directed back to this page. If there's time, feel free to look around and read some posts. If you scroll down, you'll find my results from a multiple intelligence survey similar to the one you took at the beginning of the year.

Good luck, do your best, try not to panic, and you'll do great!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Africa Adventure Blog

Hi everyone! As I mentioned on my last day in class, here is the link for our African teaching blog:

We will continue to update as we build up to the big move!

Hope everyone is having a great April Vacation!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fraction Comic Strips

Check out the cool comic I made about multiplying fractions. Go to the link to the right and make one like it yourself. Then email your work to me!

You can write a comic strip about:
  • Making equivalent fractions
  • Simplifying/Reducing
  • Making Improper Fractions into Mixed Numbers
  • Making Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions
  • Adding or Subtracting Fractions with like denominators
  • Adding or Subtracting Fractions with unlike denominators
  • Reciprocals
  • Dividing Fractions
You may use your notes or hand-outs if you need to!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Take Mr.Harrington's Survey!

Click on the link to the right labeled "Mr.Harrington's Survey". After you finish, the survey will bring you back to this blog, and you can scroll down to learn a little more about Mr.Harrington.

Thanks to York 6 for taking my survey!

Since I am asking all of you to take this survey for me, I thought that it would only be fair if I took it too, giving all of you a chance to get to know me a little better. Here are a few of the highlights:

Learning Styles:

I scored high as a Mathematical/Logical thinker (good thing I’m in a math class!) because I answered “Absolutely!” to statements like “I really like math” and “I often wonder about how things work.”

I ALSO scored high as a Visual/Spatial learner (Did you know that I have a degree in Sculpture from the Massachusetts College of Art?) because I answered “Absolutely!” to statements like “I can pretend I am in the sky looking down on my house and know where everything is” and “I am good at drawing or making things with clay."

Musical learning showed as a weakness for me because I responded "No Way!" to comments like, "People tell me that I sing well." (I may not sing well, but I am learning to play the guitar--so far I can play Jingle Bells...and that's about it)

My House

I live in an apartment in Portland (Ms. Anderson is my neighbor) with my wife and our two cats, Yttik (can you guess how we came up with that name?) and Nubs (who has no tail and no teeth!).

Three things I love to do:


Build sculptures, furniture and fix things

Draw goofy pictures

Three things that I hate to do (but usually do anyway):

Wake up early

Wash dishes

Eat olives (I try never to eat these – YUK!)

Interesting (or maybe just weird) Facts about Me:

I haven’t worn matching socks in over ten years.

I grew up in Massachusetts, near Worcester, and I’ve lived in Boston, MA; San Francisco, CA; and Portland.

I’ve traveled to Canada, England, Iceland (and I’m going to Mexico over February Vacation!) and I’ve driven across the US twice.

When I lived in California, my friend and I wrote silly plays and performed them on the sidewalk in front of Robin Williams' house -- he even came out on his balcony once to watch!

My wife and I are thinking about teaching in a different country next school year. Where do you think we should go?

Thanks again for taking my survey and checking out my blog! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010